Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
We believe students are our highest priority.
We believe the dignity, worth, and self- esteem of participants should be paramount in all athletic activities.
We believe the most important result of competition is the development of life-long values and skills.
We believe the athletic program is an integral part of the high school experience.
We believe high school athletics should be fun and rewarding.
We believe athletic programs are most beneficial when they are competitive.
We believe winning is an attitude resulting from optimum preparation, concentrated effort, and deep commitment to excel.
We believe well-designed athletic programs promote community and school pride.
We believe open communication and mutual respect among coaches, parents, and athletes provide the foundation for a successful athletic program.
We believe morale, satisfaction, and performance are enhanced when athletes work together as a team.
We believe well qualified coaches and program administrators are important components in a successful athletic program.
We believe positive parent support and involvement enhance students’ growth and program quality.